“Ama a tus colores” which stands for -Love your Colours- in Spanish was a popular local TV advertisement featuring the mascot of the Football Soccer team “Tigres” of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon which is the state University of the Mexican State of Nuevo LeónComex commissioned us to build a short TV ad for one of the two most popular football soccer teams in the city of Monterrey, Mexico.

I participated in several parts of the project such as texturing, UV mapping, camera animation and some others. Demian coordinated the project under Jorge’s supervision. Luciernaga at the time of the production of this commercial was a rather small studio so everyone was required to multitask, and even learn the use of tools and technologies. Our team did not have many months of knowing each other and everyone in the team knew different technologies. So adaptation was key for the success of this project.

Name of the Project: Ama a tus Colores
Client: Comex (via Luciérnaga Studio)
Location: Monterrey, Mexico
Date: June 2005
Supervisor: Jorge Hernandez (Luciérnaga Studio)
Coauthors: Oscar CarreñoJorge HernandezJonathan GonzalezDemian Kurejwowski and Laura Rivera