Animato has been one of the most fascinating and interesting projects I have done. The freedom in this project was remarkable and the Animato team was really eager to start working in their image. Their collaboration was remarkable and I enjoyed every single moment of this project. I even got the opportunity to listen to their orchestra in a concert; my whole concept of accordions has changed because of them!

I understood early in the project plan that Animato was struggling to show their public what they are. In the Netherlands people tend to relate groups of accordionist to Dutch Folklore Music. Nothing could be further away from the truth with Animato. Their music is modern and they do not represent the conventional image of accordionists. The accordionists of Animato frustrated with this identity issue asked me for help. We worked together to polish an image that would distinguish and better represent what Animato is really made out of and where they are going.

Animato Project

Name of the Project: Animato
Purpose: Non-Profit
Client: Animato (via Saskia Akkersdijk & Mark ter Maat)
Location: Enschede, The Netherlands
Date: November 2011
Acknowledgments:  While I produced the idea of placing silhouettes of actual accordionists of Animato in the website Saskia Akkersdijk produced the actual silhouettes presented in the project. Mark ter Maat is responsible for the development part of the website.