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After the successful Obama’s bid for the oval office many LGBT Americans experienced a bitter-sweet victory. The state of California passed the infamous Proposition 8 by a narrow margin, effectively tearing apart marriage equality in the state. This even mobilized thousands of people and unified them in protest against the codified discrimination in the law. Amy Balliett a brave young Seattlelite woman born in Cleveland, Ohio initiated a national movement against LGBT discrimination in the US. The result was Join The Impact; a non-profit organization dedicated fight bigotry and anti-LGBT discrimination in the United States. In a dinner with some friends I go to personally know Amy and decided to help her with what I could. I created this logo for their campaign.

As Amy, I was in pain of seeing millions of LGBT americans getting their right for marriage stripped away by anti-Gay conservative organizations like Focus on the Family (FoF) and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and even some conservative churches such as the Mormon Church who played a vital role on supporting the Proposition 8 case. California’s Proposition 8 has been an event where hate, bigotry and ignorance have prevailed. Hopefully at the end Love will overcome that and Proposition 8 will be overturned.

Join the Impact Logo

Name of the Project: Join the Impact Logo
Purpose: Non-Profit
Location: Seattle, WA, United States
Date: December 2008