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At the time that Wikileaks was releasing the then secret U.S. Diplomatic Cables to the public, it became obvious in the class that we had to discuss the positive and negative aspects of Wikileaks. As we debated I decided that I should write a theoretical article about the subject. As I was writing I realized that Openleaks was being formed out of former employees at Wikileaks. Due to the time this article was being written many developments had not happened yet so the paper is naturally incomplete in some of its chapters. Nevertheless it was an interesting topic to research about and it’s undeniable that events of Wikileaks have changed the way institutions and governments store and transmit their information. This could be seen as either for the better or the worse depending on your own personal point of view. Regardless of what happened and how facts developed, it’s undeniable that governments, corporations, institutions and individuals see information differently than before.

Research Documentation

Wikileaks vs Openleaks: A comparison of approches (PDF): 426kb Wikileaks vs Openleaks: A comparison of approches is a PDF document. To effectively execute this file and be able to read the content you should have a PDF Reader such Adobe Reader. If you are a Google Chrome user you can simply open it right away without having to install anything else.

Name of the Project: Wikileaks vs Openleaks: A comparison of approches
Purpose: Educational
Client: Universiteit Twente (supervised by Sjoerd de Vries)
Location: Enschede, The Netherlands
 February 2011
Disclaimer: I do not own nor do I claim ownership of the logos of Wikileaks or Openleaks. They are property of their respective authors.