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Prichard Art Gallery

Pritchard Art Gallery: Cover

The Pritchard Art Gallery has been one of the most unusual projects I have done so far considering my line of profession. Yet it was tremendously fun and it allowed me to understand some of the problems within Architecture. My task was to redesign the current Façade of the art gallery, create architectural plans for it in AutoCAD and render some views. It is worth mentioning that my field before this has always been purely within the visual design spectrum and I have no Architectural background. For this project I had to learn several guidelines and the use of tools that tend to be exclusively for industrial designers and architects (Unfortunately, everything had to be measured in the Imperial System since it was a project in the US). Nevertheless the project was immensely fascinating and while I do not intend to pursue an architectural degree I consider this one of my landmarks as a professional worth of being displayed.

Name of the Project: Pritchard Art Gallery Façade
Purpose: Educational
Client: University of Idaho
Location: Moscow, ID, United States
Date: November 2006


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30 Nov 2006