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Virtual Technology and Design

Virtual Technology and Design: Cover

For this project we were commissioned to build a potential new logo for the Virtual Technology and Design degree of the College of Art & Architecture of the University of Idaho. There are several elements playing a role in this logo. First and foremost the requirement was to represent all the possible ways a human can interact in virtual reality. While the VTD degree was heavily oriented in applications that involved the eyesight, it was not limited to it. For example one could learn about Virtual Reality in the auditive aspect. As for the time of this post the Virtual Reality field is heavily influenced by audiovisual outputs. However this may change in the future with new technologies being developed. This why I decided to include the other ways that we humans retrieve information from the world (e.g. through smell, taste or tactile interaction). The world is depicted above and together with all the other senses make the shape of a window. Metaphorically speaking; this is the window in which we naturally perceive the universe that surrounds us.

VTD Logo

Name of the Project: Virtual Technology and Design Logo
Purpose: Educational
Client: University of Idaho
Location: Moscow, ID, United States
Date: October 2006


Posted on

25 Oct 2006