Light up the night for Equality

Light up the night for Equality

Light up the Night for equal rights is the name of event that happened in the United States. Amy Balliett commended me to produce a logo for candle vigil in opposition to California’s Proposition 8. I produced a logo that would address both the English and...
Join the Impact

Join the Impact

After the successful Obama’s bid for the oval office many LGBT Americans experienced a bitter-sweet victory. The state of California passed the infamous Proposition 8 by a narrow margin, effectively tearing apart marriage equality in the state. This even...
Chom Chomp

Chom Chomp

Chomp Chomp was a videogame produced in Luciérnaga Studio for Pick Me! Interactive. The game was based in Flash technology. Chom Chomp was in fact the first advergame I have ever produced. I collaborated with many parts of the project and it was one advergame among...


Oinkole was a videogame produced in Luciérnaga Studio for Pick Me! Interactive. The game was based in Flash technology. I collaborated with many parts of the project and it was one advergame among several that were going to be featured in For Oinkole I...
Blue Line Airlines

Blue Line Airlines

Blue Line Airlines was one of the last projects I did for my Bachelors Degree. For this project I had to create the complete corporate image of the Airline and bind everything in a report. It had to be presented in fornt of an audience where questions were presented....


DesignUP was a project for a hypothetical start-up. The logo was intended for a small start-up, a graphic design studio. One of the details that is notable of this composition is the amount of balance that the logo has. It is a very blocky composition and every piece...